The Legend of the Headless Horseman
The Headless Horseman is the ghost of a decapitated soldier who rides around at night on his horse in Tarrytown, New York in 1776 in search of his head. If anyone sees him he will come at the person and try to attack, and throw a flaming pumpkin head at them. When he gets to the church bridge he disappears into thin air. He lost his head due to a cannonball in the American Revolutionary War.
Originally the Headless Horseman was from an old dutch folk tale, then Washington Irving used the character in his story, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. After that story got popular, many others wrote stories based on the Headless Horseman and the Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Today the Headless Horseman is still well known.
Ichabod Crane was a part of the Headless Horseman’s legend. He is another character of Washington Irving’s. Ichabod Crane is a tall, slender, creepy teacher who used kids to get to their mothers who gave him food. When Ichabod Crane came along to Tarrytown he was riding home from a party one night and saw a shadow that looked like a man on a horse. At first Ichabod thought he was tired and was imagining it, but then seconds later the figure was coming towards him, fast-paced. That moment Ichabod realized that he should start riding faster, he really didn’t know the tale of the Headless Horseman yet because he was new in town, so he just rode around all over town trying to lose the Horseman. The horse brought him across the church bridge. Then he remembered that the Headless Horseman would disappear so he felt safe now. Suddenly, a flaming pumpkin head was thrown at Ichabod and then nobody had ever seen or heard from Ichabod Crane ever again.
This tale is believed by some, but many people think it’s not true. The people think that it is true because Washington Irving created the character after an anonymous decapitated soldier buried at a local church in Tarrytown, New York. The reason people think that it’s fake is because during Halloween time people dress up as the Headless Horseman and try to trick and scare people. It is told to be true, but we don’t know yet.
The legend of the headless horseman begins near Tarrytown, New York on the banks of the Hudson river in a village called Sleepy Hollow. The headless horseman was a Hessian soldier sent from Germany by princes to aid the British in the American Revolution. He was one of 548 Hessians killed in the battle of Chatterton Hill. His head was severed by a cannonball. He was buried in the graveyard of the Old Dutch Church of Sleepy Hollow. At night he chases travelers along an old path and beheads them. He carries his head as a weapon even though he has a sword. In some stories he carries an axe.
There are many variations of the legend. The legend of Sleepy Hollow horseman is similar to other horseman. The German version by the Brothers Grimm portrays the horseman as someone who seeks criminals whose punishment is to be beheaded. He is described as wearing a grey coat on a grey horse. The Texas horseman is a criminal who was beheaded and left to wander on a horse according to author Mayne Reid. The sleepy hollow horseman is inspired by the dullahan, the celtic horseman and the dutch headless horseman. The Irish headless horseman rides in a coach car with the banshee and wherever it stops somebody dies.
The headless horseman has had many film and book adaptations and is one of the most popular stories in traditional American literature. The most popular one, The Legend of sleepy hollow was written in 1820 by Washington Irving. A teacher named Ichabod Crane came to Sleepy Hollow. He falls in love with a rich man’s daughter, Katrina Van Tassel. She invites him to the Van Tassel mansion for a party. At the party, he wins Katrina’s heart over. After the party, he goes outside to listen to old men tell ghost stories. One is about the Headless Horseman. The headless horseman is about a Hessian soldier who was beheaded by a Canonball during a battle with the Americans. On the way home, he encounters a man by a creek. When he asks who he is, the man doesn’t reply. When the man emerges out of the fog, he appears to have no head. He chases him down to the brige, where he throws his head at Icabod, and Ichabod is never seen again.
Heads Up! It’s the headless horseman
He is the main antagonist (the bad guy) of the story the legend of sleepy hollow. He rides on a horse named DareDevil. He may or may not have killed the main charector of the story Ichabod Crane. Ichabod is a school master who wants to marry this girl named Katrina Van Tassel.
He was headless because he got shot in the head during a war that he was in. Then he was buried in the Old sleepy hollow cemetary. He was a Hessasian soldier. And then when he came back to life he carried a pumpkin as his head because he was looking for his real head
He was based off of a person called the wild huntsman. As he was named in another story so Irving took that name and reinterpreted in into the headless horseman. Both of the character are bad guys. They both chased Ichabod and may have killed him.
The Legend Of The Headless Horseman
“The Legend of The Headless Horseman”, it’s one of the most known Halloween stories. Although, the stories’ actual name is “The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow”. It was based in “Sleepy Hollow” in New York.
The Headless Horseman is the antagonist or enemy in the story “The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow”. The horseman, was a Hessian soldier who died in the Battle of White Plains in the year of 1776. The soldier died because his head was supposedly shot of by a cannonball during the war. The legend also states that he rides on his horse to search for his lost head, and if anyone crossed his path they would be executed and never seen again.
The legend started when Washington Irving wrote a story called “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”. It had been based in “Sleepy Hollow” which is near Tarrytown, New York. The story was also set in the 1700s. Characters in the story included, Ichabod Crane, the Headless Horseman, Brom Bones, Katrina Van Tessel, Katrina’s father. Katrina’s father was very wealthy and Ichabod and Brom were competing to marry her or win her heart. Ichabod was a school teacher and Brom was a strong man and very skilled at horseback riding. Although one night when Ichabod was going home after Katrina’s party he was pursued by the “Headless Horseman”. Then, Ichabod was never seen again.
The reason why people still believe in this legend is that we feel powerless and we fear that something could happen. People also don’t feel in control, so they have no power on how things will happen. The “Legend of Sleepy Hollow” is still a popular Halloween story since people still believe in it and that is why people still talk about it to this date.
The Revolutionary War
The Revolutionary War was probably the most important war for the U.S, it was the war for their independence. The U.S was in a very harsh war with the British that first started between Lexington and Concord.
The Revolutionary War started mainly because innocent people wanted to be free of Britain’s power, that’s when the U.S took charge and started attacking Britain’s soldiers.
The War happened throughout many places, for example, four of the places are Lexington, North America, the U.S.A, and even the Indian sub-continent.
When the Revolutionary war officially started it was April 19th of 1775 and the war officially ended it was September 3rd of 1783. The damages of the war were very brutele to the British, General Cornwallis of the British was going bankrupt so all of the innocent citizens in England were getting money taken from to pay off the General’s needs. Also by the end of the war, out of the 217,000 soldiers that participated 4,435 were killed and 6,188 people were severely injured.
Washington Irving
Washington Irving, was a writer and who greatly influenced American literature, his most famous stories were published in the 1820s. Irving also wrote very good short stories.
Washington Irving was born on April 3, 1783 and died Nov. 28, 1859 he was born into a big family of 11 kids and he was the youngest. He was named after George Washington because that was when George Washington just won the American Revolution .
“American Literature was actually greatly influenced by Irving, and many later American authors may not have existed without his effort. Irving is known as the "The Father of American Literature." He is in fact, the first belletrist of America”quote link ( belletrist is literature regarded as a fine art, especially as having a purely aesthetic function”). Before Washington Irving started writing, all other writing was mostly just to tell someone information, but Washington Irving wrote for fun, not to just inform people,so many people say that he was the first real writer. Washington Irving is the writer of the famous story “the Legend of the Sleepy Hollow.The story was is published in 1820 and is still talked about today as being a great story. Great authors still talk about how exceptional his writing is.Another famous story he wrote is Rip Van Winkle, which was his first famous writing and was from the The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent.In 1815, Washington Irving traveled to England to help his brothers with the family business. Then that failed and that was when he wrote these short stories.Irving also pushed for vigorous laws against copyright. His writing terms caught got famous, like “Knickerbocker” and Gotham City being associated with New York City.
Even though Irving is a very good writer, he didn't start out writing. He started out being a lawyer.The first time Irving got something published it was in 1802 and was a series of letters to the morning chronicle.He started his writing career at the age of nineteen by writing newspaper articles under the fake name, "Jonathan Oldstyle." One of Irving's most popular stories is again, “The legend of the sleepy hollow”. It was made into movies and put into many different versions. Irving's writing style was very complicated. For example a line from his famous story “legend of the sleepy hollow” , “He had, however, a happy mixture of pliability and perseverance in his nature; he was in form and spirit like a supple-jack—yielding, but tough; though he bent, he never broke; and though he bowed beneath the slightest pressure, yet, the moment it was away—jerk! he was as erect, and carried his head as high as ever.”quotelink.
What Is The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow
The Legend of sleepy Hollow is a popular short story written by Washington Irving as part of a collection of stories titled The Sketch book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. The story is about a school master who moves to a new town and is attacked by a headless horseman.
The Author Washington Irving was born on April 3, 1783 in Manhattan New York City. He was the youngest of 11 children and a bad student, he barely passed the bar. Irving began writing essays for the Morning Chronicle under the pen name Jonathan Oldstyle. Later Irving began to study law after a vacation from Europe. Soon after this in 1807-1808 he worked with his brother William and a friend James K. Paulding on a series of 20 periodical essays that they named Salmagundi. After working on this project Washington went into a slump where he didn’t know what to do with his life but he was encouraged by Sir Walter Scott to continue to write stories which he did. Washington then went on to write a collection of stories titled The Sketch book of Geoffrey Crayon. Gent which included his most famous work Rip Van Winkle and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Because of how well his stories did Washington Irving was able to become one the first people to make a living off of writing stories. In 1826 Irving was invited to be the U.S minister of Spain. He accepted the offer and soon moved to Madrid. As the years past he wrote many more successful stories including A History of The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus, The Adventures of Captain Bonneville, and Life of George Washington. As he got older he moved back to his hometown and lived a quiet life until dieing on November 28, 1859.
Washington Irving had many inspirations when writing The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. In fact one of the main characters Ichabod Crane was based off of two people. The name of the character was based off of a career soldier Major Crane who was actually embarrassed to be associated with such a silly character. The other man the character was based off of was a actual schoolmaster named Jesse Merwin who Washington had befriended. The setting in the story is a town called Sleepy Hollow and there had been much debate over what place the town of Sleepy Hollow was based on. Some people believe the town was based off of the town of KInderhook Because Washington Irving had spent some time there and many characters are said to be based off of people from that area. Most people however believe the town is based off off Tarrytown which is around where Washington grew up and the town even legally renamed itself Sleepy Hollow. In the story the headless horseman is the ghost of a soldier whose head was blown off by a cannonball but, people are unsure of where Irving got the idea for the night time rider. Some believe that the character was based off of a story that washington was told as a kid or it was inspired from a character from Wild Huntsman. Whatever the case may be scholars are sure that Irving was not the very first person to tell this story.
Since the Legend of Sleepy Hollow is such an old tale many wonder why people still remember it and why it is still popular today. Well the answer to that question is because the characters are so memorable. The main characters are Ichabod Crane, Brom Van Brunt, and Katrina Van Tassel. The reason people remember them is because they are pretty much the original stereotypes of wimp, jerk, and pretty girl. You see these types of characters everywhere now in books, T.V. shows, movies, plays, etc.
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow has been transformed and adapted into many different things like T.V. shows, books, movies, and plays. One popular adaptation was a 1999 movie directed by Tim Burton called Sleepy Hollow. The film is loosely based on original short story and follows a police officer Ichabod Crane (Johnny Depp) who was sent to a small town to investigate some murders. Sleepy Hollow was also turned into a animated classic by Walt Disney in 1949. The film was called The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad. The movie follows the plot of the stories Wind of The Willows and The legend of Sleepy Hollow. Movies and T.V. shows aren’t the only things that the legend was adapted into. Its was also turned into many different plays one being The Legend of Sleepy Hollow directed by Will Huddleston and performed in 2011. Sleepy Hollow is also studied worldwide in schools.
🎃“The man without a head… The headless Horseman.”🎃
The Headless horseman has been known to haunt sleepy hollow for many centuries and is the icon of Tarrytown, New York. The headless Horseman is still remembered today and it is thought to be an American Folklore.
The legend of the Headless Horseman begins in Sleepy Hollow, New York, during the American Revolutionary War. Still today, the people of Sleepy Hollow believe since after being beheaded by the cannonball the headless horseman roams around at night in search of his lost head.
The revolutionary war started in 1775 and conflicts arose to start the revolution between Great Britain’s 13 North American colonies and the colonial government, which represented the British crown. France entered the American Revolution on the side of the colonists in 1778, turning what had essentially been a civil war into an international conflict. After French assistance helped the Continental Army force the British surrender at Yorktown, Virginia, in 1781, the Americans had finally won their independence, though fighting did not end until 1783.
The headless horseman was an artilleryman was who killed during the battle of the white plains in 1776. He was decapitated by an American cannonball, and the shattered remains of his head stayed on the battlefield while his comrades carried his body away.
The author “Washington Irving’’ was born on April 3, 1783, and was the youngest of 11 children. Washington Irving was not good in school and barely passed “ the bar.” Irving didn’t know what to do as he landed a job as an editor. In 1819 he published the book known as “The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow.” The story has been passed down and changed over many of generations.
The legend of sleepy hollow is widely known around the world and is still known to haunt sleepy hollow. As you can see the legend of sleepy hollow is still claimed to be haunting sleepy hollow and you can see why Washington Irving published a book on the headless horseman. There are also movies and TV shows on the Headless Horseman.
The Legend of the Headless Horseman
The Legend of the Headless Horseman is a story that is known pretty much worldwide. The Headless Horseman is said to be a Hessian soldier who got his head blown off by a cannonball in the Revolutionary War. The earliest version of this tale comes from the sixth century just after Christian Missionaries forbade the worship of Crom Dubh. He was the Celtic god of fertility who ordered to have human sacrifices each year by having the victim be decapitated. With this god being banned, the population quickly turned the stories of the god into a spiritual entity that had still wondered. The stories slowly evolved and changed to virtually erase all reference to Crom Dubh. Instead, they called this horseman “The Dark Man" and the dark man eventually became the Irish Dullahan we know today.
The legend varies in different countries, but they all include a man with no head, riding on a horse. In Ireland and Scotland, there is a spirit called Dullahan,(or Dubhlachan in traditional Gaelic) who is said to ride the streets on his horse, but unlike our Headless Horseman, he has his head, but is unable to attach it back on, so he is forced to ride around carrying his head. In Germany, the Brothers Grimm have two different versions of the story. One German tale tells of the “Wild Horseman” who blows a horn to warn hunters not to hunt the next day. Another tale in East Germany tells of a woman who goes out into the forest and hears a horn, and when she turns around she sees the Headless Horseman.
The Headless Horseman legend has changed as it has been passed from generation to generation. The American legend has changed little since when it was first introduced. The legend has been adapted into movies and new books. Disney has changed it, and different movie studios have made it into live action movies. This tale is still very popular, and it will probably continue to be for a long time.
The Headless HorseMan
The headless horseman is a fictional character from the short story "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" by American author Washington Irving. The legend of the Headless Horseman begins in Sleepy Hollow, New York, during the American Revolutionary War. Traditional folklore holds that the Horseman was a Hessian artilleryman who was killed during the Battle of White Plains in 1776.The legend of the Headless Horseman begins in Sleepy Hollow, New York, during the American Revolutionary War. Traditional folklore holds that the Horseman was a Hessian artilleryman who was killed during the Battle of White Plains in 1776. Brom Bones pranked Ichabod one last time, and Ichabod took off and eventually became a judge.The Headless Horseman killed (or "spirited away" [1.73]) Ichabod, and he now haunts the the town. 
Heads Up it’s the headless horseman!!
The legend of the Headless Horseman is based on a German Hessian mercenary. He died in 1778, but the legend of the Headless Horseman was born, and the legend still lives on.
In 1820 the legend of the Headless Horseman was published. Washington Irving is the author of the first story to be written and published about the Headless Horseman.
The Headless Horseman became headless when a cannon ball decapitated his head. He was a Hessian mercenary that was a reinforcement for the British. The Hessian was relieved of his head near the field on the slope of the Merritt Hill in White Plains, in New York close to Sleepy Hollow.
The legend of the Headless Horseman exists in European culture and variations of them have existed in Irish and German folktale. Our culture has told the story for over 200 years. Most people know the legend. The Dullahan is Ireland’s Headless Horseman. He is seen after sunset on certain festivals and feast days. When the Dullahan passes by people, you will either get struck blind in one eye or get a bucket of blood thrown in your face. The biggest fear is if the Dullahan stops near someone and calls out their name. When he does this, it will draw out their soul and they will no longer be among the living. Even though the legend of the Headless Horseman originated in Sleepy Hollow, he has become part of other cultures around the world.
The Revolutionary war
The Revolutionary War started in 1775 and ended in 1785. The Revolutionary war was against the U.S. and the British and took 10 years to finish the battle (We Won)
In the R.W.started when the Americans were angry. The Americans were angry at the British because they were taxing everything and all this unnecessary went to the king of England. So the Americans decided that they wanted to leave butt they couldn't because Britain wouldn't let them
So the Americans declared war and the british accepted.
It took the U.S 10 years butt in October 1781 the war virtually came to an end when general Cornwallis was surrounded and forced to surrender the British position at Yorktown, Virginia. Two years later the treaty of Paris made it official America was independent.
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